Great Swamp Baptist Church was organized on October 12, 1845, when seventeen members left the Sardis Primitive Baptist Church to form a ministry based on missions. Reverend John N. Youmans served as the first pastor.
The home of Sabert Woods and a brush arbor served as the church’s first meeting places until a small one-room sanctuary was built. A larger sanctuary was completed in 1909, and Sunday school rooms were added in 1925.
Baptisms took place at “Old Dam” in the nearby stream until the 1950s. Great Swamp Baptist Church called its first full-time pastor in 1956. The church filed its Document of Incorporation on March 17, 1958, with the State of South Carolina and then drafted its first constitution.
Great Swamp Baptist Church has continued to spread the word of God to our community. As our church grows, so does our faith. Our future we leave in the hands of our Lord. We will serve Him gladly until He returns!
Contact the church office to order a copy of Great Swamp Baptist Church History 1845 – 1995 by Betty Nettles.