



Serving with the heart of Jesus
The Biblical definition of a Deacon is that he is a servant in the church. He is not called to run the church. Nor is he called to just listen to complaints. He is called to minister to you in your time of need. If he can pray with you, encourage you, or give Spiritual advice, please call him in your time of need. Call the Church at 843-726-3631.
This is the covenant that our Deacons adopted for their ministry at Great Swamp Baptist Church.
Read it, encourage your Deacons, and stay in prayer for them.
The Deacon Covenant
We will be accountable to God and to each other.
We will ask the hard questions about faith and ministry to this church and will provide honest answers.
We must be men of peace.
We will strive to allow the Spirit of Christ to rule in our relationships with our families, with each other, and with the members of our church.
We will be shepherds of the Family of God that worships at Great Swamp Baptist Church.
We will be servants in the model of Jesus who tenderly watched over his sheep.
We will be vigilant in our personal life.
We will put on the whole armor of God as a necessity to help guard against the attacks of Satan.
We will seek an intimate relationship with God through His Son Jesus.
We will try to live a life that is above reproach in speech, love, faith, and purity.
We will support the ministries of this church with our finances, our influence and with our prayers.
We will partner with the pastor of this good church to meet the spiritual needs of all of our members, our guests and the community as God leads us.